"No More Poverty" non profit group supporing Guatemala Aid Fund Efforts
'No more poverty' (nmp.org) joins Guatemala Aid Fund
to fight childhood malnutrition. http://news.yahoo.com/no-more-poverty-joins-guatemala-aid-fund-fight-194654347.html
This organization that helps promote small grass roots non profits focused at eliminating world poverty has endorsed Guatemala Aid Fund and supported through a donation that was a result of a raffle at a local barbershop in California! Thank you to No More Poverty!
to fight childhood malnutrition. http://news.yahoo.com/no-more-poverty-joins-guatemala-aid-fund-fight-194654347.html
This organization that helps promote small grass roots non profits focused at eliminating world poverty has endorsed Guatemala Aid Fund and supported through a donation that was a result of a raffle at a local barbershop in California! Thank you to No More Poverty!