Helping Families Stay Together in Guatemala
Want to be a sponsor of permanent positive change that helps keep families together? |
Family Strengthening - Counseling - Parenting Classes
Eradicating the Root Causes of Child Abuse and Abandonment
Creating self sufficient healthy families with help from the family counseling center. Changing the path and futures for the children and the parents permanently. Outreach programs prioritize changing the root problems leading to family poverty, child abuse & abandonment, rather than perpetuating existing problems with just free care. Children and parents invest in their futures and wish to change it for the better! Caregivers must attend 1-yr of parenting classes and counseling prior to re-uniting or forming new families with children. Caregivers "earn" supplies for their entire family and show dedication to to their children by consistent attendance at the classes and paying a small tuition. The success of this program is so high. Entire communities are changing based on the employment and education of these parent leaders that move on to help others. Keeping children at home with their family.
The Center is considered a model for the country in terms of helping to unite and uplift families while eliminating some of the root causes as to why children find themselves without a home or in unsafe environment. Final funds that were needed to complete the Center were provided by the Brandon Florida Rotary Club. Successfully constructed and operating in 2019!
All projects are designed to uplift the local economy as much as possible by employing Guatemalan workers, purchasing supplies locally, and training young and new workers to gain valuable skills. Aid is far more effective when it supports their own skill development and their own economy by investing in their work and their shops rather than bringing items from other countries or unpaid workers. So many people are looking for work, and while it is unfortunate, labor in Guatemala is very inexpensive so it was easy to get this project up and constructed quickly and efficiently. Your donations at work fast and with many benefits!.